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122,550 Tonnes Of Vegetables Produced By Abu Dhabi In Farming Season 2018/2019

122,550 Tonnes Of Vegetables Produced By Abu Dhabi In Farming Season 2018/2019

Around 122,550 tonnes of vegetables crops were produced in both open field and greenhouse farms on 18,711 donums in Abu Dhabi during the farming season 2018/2019, according to Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA).

A total of 74,885 tonnes of vegetable crops were produced in Al Ain, accounting for about 61.1 percent of the emirate’s total production. This was grown on 10,281 donums, at 55 percent of the total cultivated area.

Al Dhafra farms attained 21.7 percent of the vegetable production, producing about 26,569 tonnes of vegetable crops grown on 4,199 donums, 22% of the total cultivated area. Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi farms produced about 21,096 tonnes of vegetables crops, or 17.2 percent of the total production, grown on 4,231 donums, 23 percent of the cultivated area in Abu Dhabi.

This intensive production translates the efforts made by ADAFSA to increase the cultivated area in the emirate, create a new farming model using modern techniques, and overcome the water scarcity challenge.

In addition to developing a sustainable agricultural sector, ADAFSA is keen on supporting the vision of Abu Dhabi Government and meeting farm owners’ aspirations by helping them increase local production, to improve its competitiveness in the market and enhance its contribution to the food security system.

The total area of vegetable crops grown in open fields in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi reached about 13,735 donums. About 6,898 donums were cultivated in Al Ain, representing 50.2 percent of the total cultivated area, while about 3,566 donums were cultivated in Abu Dhabi, 25.9 percent of the total area, and 3,272 donums in Al Dhafra, 23.9 percent.

A total quantity of vegetables production in the open field farms recorded 44,125 tonnes during the farming season 2018/2019. Al Ain farms produced about 19,992 tonnes at about 45.3 percent of the total production, followed by Al Dhafra farms which produced about 14,051 tonnes of vegetables, or 31.8 percent, while Abu Dhabi farms produced about 10,081 tonnes, at 22.9% of the total vegetables production.

Meanwhile, the total area of vegetable crops grown in greenhouses in the Emirate reached about 4,976 donums. About 3,383 donums were cultivated in Al Ain, representing 68 percent of the total cultivated area in greenhouses, while about 927 donums were cultivated in Al Dhafra, at 18.6 percent of the total area, and 666 donums in Abu Dhabi, at 13.4 percent.

The total quantity of vegetables production in the emirate’s greenhouses is estimated at 78,425 tonnes during 2018-2019 farming season. Al Ain farms produced about 54,893 tonnes, at about 70 percent of the total production, followed by Al Dhafra farms which produced about 12,517 tonnes of vegetables, at 16 percent of the emirate’s vegetables production, while Abu Dhabi farms produced about 11,015 tonnes, at 14 percent of the total vegetables production in greenhouses.

Regarding forage crops, Abu Dhabi farms produced about 161,506 tonnes of maize, barley and alfalfa, grown on a total area of 36,259 donums. These crops are used to feed livestock in ranches and farms. Al Ain farms produced about 125,556 tonnes of forage crops grown on a total area of 27,207 donums, followed by Al Dhafra producing 22,025 tonnes of crops grown on 5,244 donums, while Abu Dhabi produced 13,925 tonnes of forage crops grown on 3,808 donums.

This great production translates ADAFSA’s efforts, in cooperation with farmers, to increase the cultivated area in the emirate and develop farming patterns. At the beginning of the farming season, ADAFSA launched an agricultural plan to organise production and diversify varieties according to consumers’ needs and conditions of each region.

The crop plan includes about 42 varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs and organic products, enabling farm owners to sell high-demanded, locally-produced products in markets. These crops are cultivated either in greenhouses or open fields, to prevent competition during the production season, such as round tomato, which are grown in greenhouses.

In addition, farmers are directed to grow different varieties of fruits, such as fig, mango, orange, guava, grapefruit and lemon, in addition to varieties of herbs, such as mint, parsley and coriander.

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