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COVID-19 Crisis Is Forcing Us To Live Online

COVID-19 Crisis Is Forcing Us To Live Online

Social Distancing has forced people to spend their time online and come up with creative digital experiments. Which is all good news for businesses since they now know where to get the eyeballs!

Zoom social meetups, Skype book clubs, Online bridge games, Periscope jam sessions, Online shopping spree, Cloud clubbing with DJs, Virtual yoga classes, Netflix streaming binges, Instagram Live Gym sessions – are now a way of life. Getting breaking news on Twitter, Facebook and Insta and mobile apps are the new normal.

FaceTime and VPN calls from friends and relatives who are trying to stave off loneliness are at a record high. It is reintroducing people to their families. The COVID-19 crisis is making people more grounded. It helps you reappreciate the wealth we have in a place like home.

If there is a silver lining in this crisis, it may be that the virus is forcing us to use the internet as it was always meant to be used, to connect with one another, share information and resources, and brainstorm collective solutions to common problems.

On average, people spend a staggering 6 hours and 42 minutes online each day. (My screen time is 8 hours 36 minutes!) In addition, more than four million blog posts and 500 million tweets are published every day. Research shows that people who consume social media actively by sending messages, leaving comments or participating in group chats, are happier people compared to couch potatoes who sit and watch TV all day.

As the real world continues to crumble before our eyes, all of us will be forced to embrace the virtual world. What seemed to be a distant reality is suddenly upon us. If you are looking to find solace on the internet, lurking alone won’t cut it, you need to contribute. Be a lead actor in the story or you will just be a character in the story!

Businesses now have an opportunity to deep dive into the web and reimagine their digital strategy. Ensure that you are offering your portfolio of products and services online with complete CRM and payment integration. Aggressive online and social media campaigns are just a few obvious options to consider.

We can either adapt and join the new mainstream of the virtual world or remain passive and left behind in loneliness. The choice is ours!

#StaySafe and #WFM

Sharad Agarwal is CEO of Cyber Gear

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