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The National Defense College And The Abu Dhabi School Of Government Signs MOU To Develop Unique Joint Training Programs

The National Defense College And The Abu Dhabi School Of Government Signs MOU To Develop Unique Joint Training Programs

The National Defense College (NDC) and the Abu Dhabi School of Government (ADSG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding today. The agreement sees the development of unique joint training programs fostering knowledge exchange and enhancing participants’ leadership capabilities, while also aligning with the wider strategy of the UAE’s wise leadership.

The MOU was signed by H.E. Major General Staff AqabShahinAqabAlali, Commandant of the NDC, and H.E. Mohammed Gheyath Mohammed, Acting Director-General of the ADSG.

H.E. SumayaAbdulAzizAlHosani, Dean of the ADSG, and members of the National Defense College faculty also attended the signing ceremony.

Commenting on the signing, H.E. Major General Staff AqabShahinAqabAlali, said: “As a long standing partner of the ADSG, their commitment to realizing a sustainable knowledge economy is truly inspiring and we are thrilled to be a part of their tremendous efforts. We look forward to offering our expertise and resources to bolster their efforts and contribute to the development of these exceptional programs.”

Reflecting on the agreement, H.E. Mohammed Gheyath Mohammed, Acting Director-General of ADSGadded:“At ADSG, our work is closely aligned with the directives of the Department of Government support, which aims to strengthen, collaborate, coordinate, and communicate among various government establishments. This agreement comes as part of our efforts to support human capital in Abu Dhabi by enhancing their capability to tackle future challenges and take advantage of future opportunities through our world-class programs and initiatives.

His Excellency added: “Our partnership with the NDC is specifically important because of the College’s integral role in honing strategic skills that can keep up with industries’ rapidly-increasing demands, as well as their expertise in the domains of research and information that serves the goals and vision of the Emirate’s government sectors.

As they continue to carry out the vision of our wise leadership, we are excited to partner with them to actualize the UAE’s plans for building a prosperous and sustainable future.”

The agreement between the NDC and the ADSG involves developing and organizing joint educational and training programs and courses, which include but are not limited to a Master’s program in strategic and security studies, as well as an advanced course in strategy and strategic leadership.

The agreement also covers exchanging research periodicals and products, sharing insights on topics of mutual interest, and collaboration in research and development. In addition, the two entities will also organize joint practical seminars and workshops, and the participation of both parties in conferences and events of strategic importance.

The NDC is a world leader in developing strategic capabilities and is a main source of strategic and security research. Their training programs for military and civilian leaderships bolsters participant capabilities and enables them to develop a deeper understanding of what is needed to manage and employ state resources in order to protect national interests.

ADSG is tasked with supervising the development of Abu Dhabi government employees’ skills by providing training courses based on the best international practices that are in line with the needs, vision, and aspirations of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

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