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Abu Dhabi Rolls Out Green Public Transport Fleet Of Buses, With Launch Of World’s Fastest Charging Batteries In The UAE

Abu Dhabi Rolls Out Green Public Transport Fleet Of Buses, With Launch Of World’s Fastest Charging Batteries In The UAE

In alignment with the UAE leadership’s vision of 2030 for Sustainable Economic Development, Emirates Global Motor Electric, Al Fahim Group and Yinlong Energy, have announced the launch of environment-friendly Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) Electric buses in the Middle East region. LTO electric buses can be charged in under 20 minutes as compared to a few hours for other lithium-ion electric buses.

Launching first in Abu Dhabi today, the electric buses will be powered by the fastest charging lithium battery in the world – the LTO battery which can be charged in less than 20 minutes. The bus with T3 rated air-conditioner which can perform at temperatures in excess of 50°C, was successfully tested in Abu Dhabi during the summer of 2020 for battery performance and fast charging.

The LTO battery is the safest Lithium-ion battery in the world with the longest life span of over 25 years making it the most advanced lithium-ion battery available in the market today.

The green environmentally friendly buses are set to provide significant energy savings and support in reducing the carbon footprint of the UAE. For example, replacing just one diesel bus with an electric bus is the equivalent to reducing harmful emissions from 27 passenger cars driven for one year, and 12,175 gallons of diesel over a ten-year period.

Because the buses charge so quickly, they are ideal for mass transportation both in the public and private sectors. The successful launch in the UAE will soon be followed up with a launch in other GCC countries.

Mohammed Abdulla Abdul Jaleel AL Fahim, Group Head Business Development from ALFAHIM commented: “Abu Dhabi has always been a pioneer in incorporating state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly technologies into its infrastructure and operations. Nowhere is this more apparent than in its public transport services. We at Al Fahim are committed to investing resources to implement as well as accelerate the sustainability agenda of the UAE leadership. We are proud to play a pioneering role in the roll out of the green fleet of buses in the UAE.”

Susan Lam, Vice President from Yinlong Energy commented:

“We are thrilled to help bring our LTO electric buses to the UAE. Our LTO battery charges in minimal time – making it the fastest charging battery in the world, and we are excited to bring this premier technology to the Middle East.

“With the new bus fleet set to be rolled out across the rest of the Middle East following the launch, we are confident that this will transform public transportation in the region.”

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