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ADNOC Wins Sustainability Manager Of The Year 2020 For Efforts To Conserve The UAE’s Precious Water Resources

ADNOC Wins Sustainability Manager Of The Year 2020 For Efforts To Conserve The UAE’s Precious Water Resources

The announcement was made today as part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainable Business Leadership Awards 2020. Launched in 2015, they are the region’s only independent annual awards dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits of sustainable resource management practices for the organizations based in the GCC.

Ms. Al Mazrouei was recognized for her work as the Environment Department Team Leader in ADNOC Gas Processing’s Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Division. She is responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant environmental regulations and enhancing ADNOC Gas Processing’s environmental performance.

In her work, Ms. Al Mazrouei has made a notable impact both within and outside the organization through the implementation of various sustainability programs that have encouraged positive environmental and social impact. In particular, her water reduction program not only reduced organizational costs, but also lowered stress on the UAE’s precious water resources.

Huda Al Houqani, Director of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group said: “I would like to congratulate Ms. Al Mazrouei for winning the Sustainability Manager of the Year category of the ADSG Sustainable Business Leadership Awards 2020 and ADNOC Gas Processing for their continued excellence in water conservation leadership. We are very proud to showcase and recognize sustainability achievements in Abu Dhabi. As a member of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Group, ADNOC has demonstrated thought leadership, engagement as well as collaborative work to contribute to the innovative, sustainable future of the Emirate.’’

Dr. Saif Sultan Al Nasseri, CEO of ADNOC Gas Processing, said: “Through her work at ADNOC Gas Processing, Ms. Al Mazrouei has made significant contributions, with the support of our HSE team, to reach ADNOC’s sustainable water management goals, including the implementation of new wastewater treatment efficiency measures as well as an expansion of ADNOC Gas Processing’s water reuse capabilities for cooling and irrigation to our on-site greenspaces.”

“A safe and sustainable water supply remains critical for Abu Dhabi’s economic, social and environmental well-being, and we are proud to follow the guidance of our Founding Father Sheikh Zayed and his vision for environmental stewardship. Our continuing focus on water conservation represents a core pillar of ADNOC’s 2030 sustainability commitments. Over the next decade, ADNOC seeks to achieve the lowest ratio of potable water use in the industry, keeping the freshwater consumption ratio below 0.5 percent across our business.”

Wastewater generated at all ADNOC Gas Processing sites is treated in wastewater treatment plants for use in cooling of equipment as well as irrigation for plants and greenery at ADNOC Gas Processing sites. The treatment plants are designed to ensure that all treated wastewater meets critical company guidelines and environmental standards. In 2019 alone, water used in landscape irrigation at ADNOC Gas Processing sites from either recycled or treated wastewater, along with other conservation measures, translated into a savings of more than 850,000 m3 of potable water.

Water conservation initiatives also deliver significant benefits for ADNOC Gas Processing’s business, as reduced water consumption limits the need for capital investment on supply and treatment sides. Inefficient water usage similarly affects air resources by increasing the need for energy production. Significant energy is required to desalinate seawater, pump water from source to treatment facility, treat water that is used inefficiently at the tap or for irrigation and pump wastewater generated from inefficient water use back to a treatment plant.

Expressing her gratitude for the accolade, Ms. Al Mazrouei said: “I am proud to work for an organization which consistently prioritizes environmental stewardship, HSE excellence and the growth and development of young female leaders in STEM-focused roles. The UAE’s rich heritage of resource conservation lives on today at ADNOC, and I am grateful for the opportunity to support ADNOC Gas Processing’s water efficiency measures, just one of the many successful sustainability initiatives taking place across ADNOC Group.”

Established in 1978 through a joint venture agreement between ADNOC (68%), Shell (15%), TOTAL (15%) and Partex (2%), ADNOC Gas Processing’s first plant opened in 1981.

ADNOC Gas Processing is a major supplier of gas and related products. Its plants are located in the Western Region of Abu Dhabi and Ruwais, and are connected to a 3000km pipeline network. We operate 26 processing trains, and an NGL distillation complex at Ruwais. ADNOC Gas Processing distributes gas and other products throughout the UAE and also export them from Ruwais, serving international markets, including China, Japan, Singapore, Morocco, Brazil, South Korea, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Senegal, Jordan, Thailand, Madagascar, Australia, Pakistan, Vietnam and the United States.

ADNOC Gas Processing sits strategically at the heart of the ADNOC value chain, connecting its Upstream and Downstream businesses. It operates one of the world’s largest gas processing plants, which has a capacity of more than 8 billion standard cubic feet per day, providing critical energy to support the UAE’s power grid and enable water desalination

As part of the ADNOC Group, ADNOC Gas Processing aims to build a legacy as a responsible oil and gas producer in order to maximize value for the UAE and reinforce its longstanding commitment to environmental stewardship.

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