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During the first quarter of the current year, Abu Dhabi City Municipality conducts workshops to update consulting offices on the latest laws and communication mechanisms

During the first quarter of the current year, Abu Dhabi City Municipality conducts workshops to update consulting offices on the latest laws and communication mechanisms

During the first quarter of the current year, Abu Dhabi City Municipality is organizing a series of workshops focused on fostering effective communication with consulting offices in Abu Dhabi. These workshops are a testament to the Municipality’s dedication to reinforcing cooperation with these vital entities. They aim to keep consulting offices updated on changes in work mechanisms, laws, and systems that enhance the quality of projects and works. The workshops will also address recurring issues, review legislative updates, increase awareness among consulting offices, and discuss challenges and proposals for development.
Within this context, the City Planning Sector, through the Building Permits Department, organized a workshop titled “The Third Party”. The term “Third Party” refers to a third-party office responsible for auditing projects. Consulting offices are required to submit complete transactions that comply with approved regulations and codes. The third-party office is responsible for auditing these transactions according to the systems. All engineering reviews with third-party offices are conducted through the system, and there is no possibility for any external reviews.
The workshop clarified that if there are any complaints about the performance of the third party or suggestions for improving the mechanism, the Building Permits Department welcomes all such feedback for review and necessary action.
The workshop clarified the technical and procedural submission processes, highlighting that the third party must submit a technical report for each project before approval. This report is reviewed by the municipality to ensure quality and adherence to the Abu Dhabi Building Code and the procedures of the Abu Dhabi Municipality. The technical report should encompass all essential elements, including a list of documents and records, design standards and building codes, as well as the third party’s signature and certification.
Within the same framework, the Building Permits Department held a workshop for consulting offices during the first quarter of the current year, titled “Effective Communication.”
The workshop covered the general principles of effective communication, mechanisms for auditing transactions and the matrix of authorities, recurring observations, violations, and classification, the preliminary receipt certificate, and general observations from architectural auditing.
Additionally, the workshop included a review of the periodic exhibition of outstanding architectural works and a general discussion.
It is worth noting that Abu Dhabi City Municipality is keen on enhancing communication channels and organizing systematic forums with all entities operating in the construction sector, including contracting companies and consulting offices. The aim is to achieve the highest quality standards in projects and to establish an effective partnership with these entities, positively impacting the comprehensive development in Abu Dhabi.

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