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Regional Conference Of WMO’s Regional Association II (Asia) Kicks Off In Abu Dhabi

Regional Conference Of WMO’s Regional Association II (Asia) Kicks Off In Abu Dhabi

The Regional Conference (RECO) of WMO’s Regional Association II (Asia), hosted by the National Center of Meteorology (NCM) in the UAE, kicked off today in the UAE capital Abu Dhabi.

The opening ceremony drew the participation of several senior officials including His ExcellencyFaris Al Mazrouei, Advisor in Presidential Court and Chairman of Board of Trustees, NCM, His Excellency Majid Al Suwaidi,Director General of COP 28, His Excellency Petri Taalas, WMO Secretary General,and Excellency Dr. Abdulla Al Mandous, Director General of NCM, and President of the Regional Association II (Asia), among others.

Running in a hybrid format from 13 to 16 March 2023,the event convenes over 150 participants including the Ambassadors of RA II Asia’s 35-member countries, key officials from WMO and other UN commissions and offices and the Permanent Representatives of WMO Members from Asia.

RECO aims to provide a forum for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of RA II to address the emerging issues and challenges, strengthen regional cooperation and enhance partnerships for the implementation of WMO resolutions and decisions in view of regional priorities.

In his opening address, His Excellency Dr. Abdulla Al Mandous, Director General of the National Center of Meteorology (NCM), said: “This forum convenes at a time when the State of Climate in Asia for 2020 and 2021 highlights how climate change impacts are wreaking an ever-increasing human, financial and environmental toll, worsening food security and poverty and holding back sustainable development in ASIA. In 2021 alone, weather and climate related hazards caused a damage of US dollars 35.6 billion affecting nearly 50 million people in Asia.

“The one-day high-level event today on the ‘United Nation’s Early Warnings for All initiative’ will give us a great opportunity to brief our key policy and decision makers on the high payoff of investments in weather and climate services in terms of lives saved, property protected, and economic gains achieved.

“For the past 150 years, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services have collected and standardized data which underpin the weather forecasts we now take for granted to improve the wellbeing of present and future generations. The history of WMO data exchange and the New Data Policy is a success story of scientific cooperation to save lives and livelihoods”, Al Mandous added.

The agenda of RECO’s opening day featured a high-level session focusing on the United Nation’s Early Warnings for All initiative. The session was addressed by His Excellency Petri Taalas, WMO Secretary General, His Excellency Dr. Abdulla Al Mandous, Director General of the National Center of Meteorology (NCM), and President of the Regional Association II (Asia), along with the participation of Assistant Secretary-General and Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction in the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), and Executive Secretary of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

Over its four-day run, the conference is discussing an array of topics related to meteorology focusing on three segments including Early Warnings for All, Infrastructure, Integrated Services. On Day One, the discussions focused on Early Warnings for All: Partners’ perspective, initiatives to advance socioeconomic assessments of weather, climate and water services, and key presentations from ESCAP and Google.

The Day 2 will feature discussions on WMO Executive Council Resolution and Recommendations to the 19th Congress on Infrastructure: Linkage to Regional Challenges and Socio-economic Impacts for the Region, and Future Opportunities;Operation Status and Challenges of RA II Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC); and Systematic Observations Financing Facility, among others.

On Day 3, participants will share their insights and perspectives on important topics such as State of the Climate in Asia 2022: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward;Regional Initiatives for Implementation of EWS for All in Asia: A Roadmap Approach; Hydrological Services: Strengthening Hydrological Forecasting, Water Resources Management and Establishment of WMO Hydrological Centres.

On the final day, RECO will have sessions on the World Weather Research Programme Implementation Plan 2024–2027; Tropical Cyclone Probabilistic Forecast Product (TC-PFP); Hydrology and Precipitation Project; Activities Related to International Monsoons Project Office (IMPO); Expert Team on Weather Modification (WxMOD); Rain Enhancement in the UAE: A Comprehensive Journey Towards Sustainable Water Security;and the RA II Research Forum that will discuss the challenges and opportunities of research among RA II Members.

At the end of the conference, a high-level statement of the participants will be released on the UN initiative ‘Early warning for All’ for implementation of climate adaptation. The statement will commend the launch of the Executive Action Plan for the ‘Early warning for All’ initiative announced during last COP 27 and put forward its recommendations in support of the initiative.

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