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The Department Of Culture And Tourism – Abu Dhabi Announces MAKTABA Spring Programme

The Department Of Culture And Tourism – Abu Dhabi Announces MAKTABA Spring Programme

To coincide with the beginning of the spring break in the United Arab Emirates, MAKTABA at the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi(DCT Abu Dhabi) has revealed details of its Spring Programme, which will include cultural and entertainment workshops between 1st and the 12th April, suitable for the entire family.

“What makes the Spring Programme so special is that it enables family members to take advantage of the spring vacation to gain knowledge, and at the same time, enjoy fun and useful activities and workshops,” said Shaikha Al-Mehairi, Head of Library Services at DCT Abu Dhabi. “This year, children will enjoy reading sessions that fire their imaginations, while adults will learn about the best ways to raise children properly and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.”

As part of its Spring Programme, MAKATBA will host First Lieutenant Munther Al Kaabi, who will present a virtual workshop entitled ‘Our Children are our Responsibility’ on 4thApril. Al Kaabi will explain the ‘Wadeema’ child rights law in the UAE’s constitution, including health, social and educational rights, different kinds of child abuse and their root causes, as well as the role of social support centres in protecting children.

Amna Al Kaabi, coach at Afaq Training Centre, will also present two sessions during the Spring Programme; ‘My Habits Changed my Life’ on 4thAprilwill showcase the steps needed to adopt positive habits, lead a positive lifestyle and avoid negativity. The second session will be ‘I Turned my Child into a Genius’ on 12th April, when she will explain the importance of the brain and its role in building cells that help to enhance a child’s ability to learn how to read. Al Kaabi will also explain the ‘Glenn Doman Method’ of teaching reading, and how to apply it in the real world.

In addition, to mark World Health Day, MAKTABA will also be hosting nutritionist Yara Radwan, who will highlight the importance of a healthy diet in maintaining our physical health, on Wednesday 7th April.

Children can also look forward to three reading sessions and a Korean language course during the Spring Programme, starting with the ‘Intelligence of a Kangaroo’ story, which revolves around a small kangaroo who is trying to protect himself, his mother and his habitat from the danger caused by a hunter. The session will take place on 7thApril.

For Children’s Book Day, MAKTABA will host author Dr.Wafa Al Shamsi and Fatima Al Zaabi, who will present a workshop entitled ‘Who is my Friend?’ during which children will participate in a fun activity entitled ‘Let’s Meet New Friends’ and listen to a story about friendship and the importance of friends in a person’s life. The workshop will be held on 8thApril.

MAKTABA will also be hosting a fun reading session entitled ‘I Read Faster’ on 12th April with Ahmed Al-Junaibi, in addition to a workshop that will teach children the basics of the Korean language on 8th April.

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